The EIC and L’Onada, with La Marató de TV3

26-10-2021 13:24

The Escola Internacional del Camp will participate from November 2nd to December 19th in a project of intergenerational videoconferences between users (older people) from L’Onada centres and students from the school. This project aims to promote conversations between people of different ages with common interests. Through these... read more

The start of the new school year 2021 - 2022 at the EIC

16-09-2021 10:16

On September 13th the new school year 2021 - 2022 began at the Escola Internacional del Camp. With more than 80 new students from Pre School to Baccalaureate, we started  this new school year with the energy and the enthusiasm which characterizes us. We continue to grow year after year in all stages, especially in the Baccalaureate courses,... read more

EIC in the media

01-09-2021 10:33

This summer our school has been featured in various media. Our Socrates Educa educational model, internationality, the scholarships awarded by the Fundació Escola Internacional del Camp and many other items of information from theEIC have generated the interest in the press. The articles can be read at the following links:... read more

Face-to-face Open Day at the EIC

19-07-2021 19:17

The Escola Internacional del Camp has organized a face-to-face open house this Wednesday July 21st. During the school year, the anticovid protocols have been very strict and it has not been possible for many families interested in making a face-to-face visit to attend. Therefore and given the multiple requests for visits that we... read more

The EIC on Onda Cero

25-05-2021 16:40

The Escola Internacional del Camp has a presence on Onda Cero Radio with short interviews once a month. In “La Ciutat”, a local programme from the Tarragona station broadcast  from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm, the General Manager of FEIC, Jaume Vilella, talks about educational continuity during confinement, how the current school year is going,... read more

Parents in school

19-01-2021 14:19

The EIC is relaunching the meetings between staff of the school, the ADEPP team (Special Needs Department), dietician/nutritionist and/or experts in specific areas which are of interest for you. All talks will be focused on aspects of academic or general development of our students. Different topics will be discussed: good use of technology,... read more