We are a school open to families. We see the comprehensive education process as being a responsibility shared by the entire educational community, therefore requiring collaboration between families and the school itself. The Socrates Educa® International School encourages the active involvement of families through different channels so that they can become true co-educators. The management team, the teaching staff and our Special Needs department guide and look after the families and students. We support the educational process, especially in the stages of change, through one-to-one support, the parents school and a diverse support service.
Families can voluntarily participate in school life in a number of ways.
One way is through the Socrates Educa® International School clubs, including Art, Culture and Leisure, Sports, Health, Science and Technology, and Community Services. In these clubs, families can organise events and put forward proposals, in coordination with the school, with regard to the calendar and school life.
Each family will also be given opportunities to come to and experience the school first hand, with open days (inside the classroom), participating in special weeks with talks and workshops, organising activities with the teachers, going into the classrooms to offer reading support, to tell stories to the little ones... a whole world of possibilities that seek to positively reinforce bringing the school, families and students closer.
The Socrates Educa® International School is also open to society and the environment by providing educational equipment and services.
Nevertheless, we seek to ensure that families feel comfortable, safe and involved in the educational process, resulting in a relationship of trust with their children’s school.