Our team

We invite you to get to know the school staff, its most important and valuable asset.

The talent, commitment and genuine motivation of everyone and, in particular, the teaching staff are essential in transmitting respect for values, passion for knowledge and the joy of learning to students. Our teachers are highly qualified and specialised, with proven experience. English is the common language used by teachers from different countries, with different cultures and accents, who share the desire to be part of a new educational project as advanced as it is inclusive.

Management and coordination

Jonathan Day

Socrates Educa International School Headteacher

I have worked and taught in the UK, France, Germany and Spain and I have extensive experience in education and management, and I firmly believe that education is as important outside the classroom as it is inside the classroom. My first degree was at Oxford University and I trained as a teacher at the University of York. I was also a Governor at the National Centre for Languages ​​and was Regional Manager of the Comenius network in the south-east of England. For many years, I have fostered and stimulated exchanges and meetings between young people from around the world. The Socrates Educa International School is the perfect place to bring together education and intercultural learning in a modern school.

Hermínia Martí

Deputy Head / Head of Pre School and Primary

I specialise in school management as well as being certified to manage IB Programmes. I have always been involved in education, whether as a teacher or in managing educational institutions and overseeing projects. I also have business experience, having set up a sports and educational services company. I am Deputy Head of the Socrates Educa International School, responsible for leading and ensuring the correct implementation of the Sòcrates Educa educational project.

Cristina García

Deputy Head / Head of Secondary / Responsible of high school

I am graduate in Hispanic Philology and have extensive teaching experience in the UK, including the IB. My professional career has always been linked to aspects of improving and developing the learning of secondary school students. I enjoy working with international educational teams and environments.

Neus Roig

Secondary teacher, high school and head of high school

I am passionate about history, art and my profession. I am specialised in museology and cultural heritage management. I have always worked in education and in different international settings and schools.

Anna Margalef

ESO Coordinator

I have been part of the Socrates Educa International School project for many years. I have an English degree and have lived in Dublin. I´m passionate about all things language related. I work with secondary school students, helping and supporting them through a key time in their lives.

Elliot Hsiao-Williams

Responsible for the languages ​​project

I am Taiwanese and British. I speak fluent Mandarin Chinese, English and Spanish. I was Head of Department for many years, supporting the teaching of Mandarin in various schools in London. I enjoy teaching my language, customs and culture to secondary school and BAT & IB students at the Socrates Educa International School.

Marc Ferré

Primary and pre school coordinator

I have been a teacher for many years and am Primary Coordinator. I undertook part of my studies at the University of York. It gives me great satisfaction to be able to lead a team of professionals with different nationalities, international experience and with diverse educational approaches.

Cecilia Albo

Primary Coordinator

Teaching is my vocation: children and education are my passion. I have worked in Ireland and Germany; I am familiar with Irish, German, British and Spanish curriculums. At the Socrates Educa International School, I have the opportunity to share and develop the science project with primary school children.

Meritxell Serra

Pre School Coordinator, upper cycle

I have been part of the Socrates Educa International School’s educational project since day one; I’ve seen it grow and it gives me great satisfaction to be an active part of its evolution. I have always worked in the field of early childhood education and, in the past, I helped launch the Cambrils Montessori Infant School, where I worked for 10 years. It is extremely rewarding to see how children change, develop and grow as people in an exciting project such as the  Socrates Educa International School, where educating children from P1 to P5, is at the heart of what we do.

Anna Schillacci

Pre School coordinator, initial cycle

I have dual American and Spanish nationality. I worked for some time in Florida and delved into the Montessori methodology. I have been helping to grow the Socrates Educa International School’s educational project for many years, always with the little ones.

Ángeles Martos

Special Needs (ADEPP) Coordinator

I am Special Needs Coordinator and a nursery school teacher.  I manage a team of specialists who provide learning support to all areas of the school. I feel extremely lucky to have the opportunity to lead this project in a school which is committed to inclusion and providing personalised support.


Laia Aznar

Pre School Teacher

I have always worked in early childhood education. I studied in the UK, a unique experience on a professional and personal level. I love the English language and I really enjoy the language immersion which the school provides.

Priscilla Baidoo

Pre school support teacher

I was born in Ghana in the Gulf of Guinea, on the West Coast of Africa. I speak English because it’s the official language but I also speak Twi and Fante. Spain is the country where I grew up and that's why I speak Spanish and Catalan. I've liked working with

children since I was little, that’s why I enjoy my work and every moment I spend with them. I Love listening to music as it’s very relaxing, and that’s why I use music in the classroom.

Magda Brull

Pre School Teacher

I have lived in the UK and have always worked in education with children. I enjoy participating in pre school life and fostering creative and dynamic activities for children; it’s a joy to watch them learn and grow.

Anna Clarke

Pre School Support Teacher

I’m British and I live in Tarragona. I love working with children and learning from them, alongside them day to day. I love cooking, skating, travelling and getting to know new cities and cultures.

Carlota Claveria

Specialist in the psychopedagogical development area (ADEPP).

I am a psychologist and educational psychologist and I am part of ADEPP. What I like most about Socrates Educa International School is its international character. While I was studying Psychology I chose Greece as my Erasmus destination. During my Erasmus experience, I fell in love with the international environment. When I came back, I participated in projects regarding international awareness for schools, with the organization Erasmus Student Network.


Elizabeth Dobbins

Pre School Support Teacher

I am American, from Florida. I also speak Spanish, Catalan and French, and some German. I previously studied in France. I love working with children at the Socrates Educa International School.

Sara Gil

Pre school teacher

Lynne Hayes

Pre School Teacher

I was born in Dartford, U.K. I moved to Madrid in 2014 to teach English as a second language to adults. I changed to teaching children in Early years and really enjoyed it. I returned to the UK and retrained as an Early Childhood Specialist. I returned to Spain again to continue my teaching career. I love the water and enjoy swimming and pádel board. To relax I do yoga and meditation every day. I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes from different cultures. In a previous role I taught cooking classes to my students, which was great fun! When I’m not teaching I enjoy walking my dogs in the countryside.

Agustina Loureiro

Pre school Support Teacher

I am a pre school teacher. I was traveling through Southeast Asia for 6 months. I love to travel around the world. One of my passions is to practice yoga, I did the yoga teacher training for kids and adults in India and was one of the best experiences of my life.

Montserrat Mundó

Pre School Support Teacher

I was born in Venezuela, where I taught English and Photography. I also lived for some time in New York. I love working with the little ones and helping them in their day-to-day life.

Brunilda Muñoz

Pre school support teacher

Angela Platt

Pre School Teacher

Laia Serra

Pre School Support and primary teacher

I have always been involved in education, working with children. I have lived in Ireland and the UK and love art and photography.

Laia Solé

Pre School Teacher

I have lived in France and Ireland, an experience which helped me grow professionally and personally. Before joining the Socrates Educa International School, I had already worked in other nursery schools, but the uniqueness of this project really appeals to me, giving me the opportunity to work in an international environment with immersion in the English language.


Lewis Bush

Primary Teacher

I was born in Romford (Essex), England

My nationality is British but I have been living in Flix (Tarragona), Spain for the last 17 years. I lived in the capital of Chile (Santiago de Chile) for 7 months while I was finishing my university degree. During that stay I worked in a school and although it was for a short time I managed to learn a lot. I love all kinds of sports but the ones I practise the most are football, running, cycling and swimming. I also love spending time with family and friends and most of all being iclose to nature.

Carlos Bolaños

Primary Teacher

I am a passionate primary school teacher. Here, I teach Spanish and mathematics in the second cycle. I have worked in five international schools in four different countries, which has allowed me to embrace cultural diversity and adapt to various educational systems. I am dedicated to inspiring my students to reach their maximum academic and personal potential.

Martha Casal

Primary Teacher. Leader science

My native languages are English and Spanish, and I also speak French and Catalan, Portuguese and a little German. I love working in international settings. I am a primary teacher with experience in other schools as an English teacher and I like to foster creativity.

Arturo Castro

Primary and secondary Teacher

I have lived and worked as a Primary teacher in the UK, mainly as a Physical Education Coordinator. I love education, sport and the values that are passed on through sport. I have always played football and competed in the Spanish Futsal Third Division.

Pilar Chávez

Primary Teacher and leader of maths

I have extensive professional experience as a primary teacher in international schools. I have lived and worked in Sweden and Singapore. I am extremely fond of travelling and learning about other cultures. It is enriching and satisfying to work at the Socrates Educa International School, a multicultural and international project.

Noé Fores

Music specialist (Pre school and Primary)

I have taught Music in a number of different schools. I´m lucky to be able to teach what I'm most passionate about, music. I enjoy delivering creative classes, using body percussion in the classroom and other innovative tools which spark children’s interest in music.

Maite García

Primary Teacher

I have worked almost exclusively at the Socrates Educa International School, which I joined right at the beginning of the project. I have lived in Ireland and speak fluent English, a language I love and which I speak at school on a daily basis. I enjoy watching my students grow and supporting them at key moments in their development as people.

Lydia Gimeno

Primary Teacher and leader of language

I have lived in Brighton, working as a primary teacher, supporting children with diverse needs. I am passionate about yoga and meditation, and I play the ukulele.

Laia Gisbert

Primary Teacher

I have a degree in Primary Education and have had the opportunity to develop the Montessori methodology at an international school in London for 7 years. I am passionate about multilingualism and cultural diversity in classrooms.

Natalia Linares

Primary Teacher

I am a Primary teacher, and I am a Mathematics specialist. I have lived in Oxford and London, and I love being able to teach in English and work with a diversity of cultures and nationalities.

Katie Lea

Primary Teacher

I am English and I previously worked at an international school in Kuwait. I enjoy setting students new challenges and doing creative activities and crafts. I really enjoy discovering new places.

María Mascaró

Specialist in the Psychopedagogical Development Area (ADEPP)

I am a Special Needs teacher, working with individuals and small groups in Primary; I love helping them grow. I lived in London for a time,  a highly enriching personal and professional experience.

Iris Pujol

Primary Teacher and senior cycle leader

I have overseen exchange education projects in Wales, Ireland and England, which gave me the opportunity to spend many summers abroad and consolidate my English. I have been working as a Primary teacher at the Socrates Educa International School for many years, where I have had the opportunity to develop and contribute my passion for education.

Amy Pringle

Primary Teacher

I’m Scottish and now I live in here in Tarragona. I studied in Madrid before living and working as a teacher in Mexico and Ecuador as well as in Santander, Spain. I enjoying hiking and exploring outdoors- I especially love swimming in the sea and

lakes. When I’m not enjoying nature I like to cook and bake, and I read as much as possible.

Christina Pablo

Primary Teacher

I was born into an international family. I grew up in the United States with two languages, cultures and passports: American and Spanish. I have taught in schools in Japan, England and Spain. The diversity of curricula enriches me and I am firmly committed to improving teaching methodologies. Education and children are my passion, and my specialty is languages.

Elena Petrova

Specialist in the Psychopedagogical Development Area (ADEPP)

I work with the Special Needs Department to help new students adapt and integrate. I am Russian and I also speak, English, Spanish, French and Japanese. I have lived and worked in Africa, the United States, Switzerland and Japan.

Marcin Pawlowski

Primary Teacher

I am from Poland and now I‘m líving in Tarragona. I have worked in Poland and in the UK ,teaching in summer schools, primary and secondary schools as well as colleges and universities. I am a real bookworm - can't live without reading! Definitely my favourite activity. Also, I cannot imagine my life without music, preferably bebop. Cycling is high on my list of pastimes, too.

Nicola Sheeran-Ball

Primary Teacher

Hi, my name is Nicola Sheeran-Ball and I am from England. I am a primary school teacher who has taught all year groups from Nursery to Year 6. I have been teaching for many years in numerous primary schools in England. For the next chapter in my life, I decided to come to Spain as I love this country and the culture. Socrates Educa school reflects all the values and vision for its pupils that I have always agreed with and as such I am extremely happy to be working here. I enjoy spending time with my family and going for long walks with my lovely black Labrador, Harley.

ESO and Baccalaureate

Angel Añor

Secondary teacher - Catalan, spanish language and literature

I have lived in Berkeley (California) and Brighton (England). I am specialised in language teaching and, apart from teaching Spanish and Catalan, I am also trained to teach Spanish as a foreign language to international students.

Golnara Bosty

Secondary teacher - Maths

I am a Maths teacher and I worked for United Kingdom Border agencies and Broadway School in Birmingham U.K.

I enjoy reading in different languages. In Persian, I read philosophical poetry (Rumi, Saadi, Hafez, Bahar, Ferdousi, etc.). In English, I mostly read Educational, Cultural, Fiction and News. In Spanish I read children's books (Dairi del Greg, Tea Stilton etc.). I also enjoy cooking, spending time with my family and friends, going for long walks by the beach or lakes.

Paudge Brennan

Secondary teacher

Hi, my name is Paudge Brennan and I am from the Republic of Ireland. I am a Maths and Theory of Knowledge teacher and IB tutor. I have been teaching for 12+ years, originally in Ireland, and internationally in Dubai and most recently in The Hague, Netherlands. I have a strong passion for the IB and how it prepares students for life after Secondary School. This also reflects many of the values of Socrates and why I’m excited to teach here.  My hobbies include running, AFL football and walking with my 2 border collie dogs

Joel Bonet

Secondary teacher

My name is Joel Bonet, a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology graduate with a Master's degree in Nutrition and Metabolism, and another in Secondary Education. I've had a diverse career, starting as a researcher in the Chemoinformatics research group at URV and later becoming the Chief Section Managing Editor at MDPI, overseeing journals such as Biomolecules, Medical Reports, and Nutrients. My role as a section manager allowed me to travel around the world, participating in and organizing conferences. Now, I've transitioned to my true passion: teaching, where I aim to inspire and educate future generations.

Casandra Cole

Secondary teacher - English language

I was born in Reus, Spain. My nationality is British and Spanish. I lived in Bath for a year with the Erasmus Programe. I also worked during that time to be able to support myself. Aside from that, I have lived in France every summer since I was 6 years old. As from

the age of 18, I worked in La Côte d'Azur every summer in a summer camp, first being a monitor, and then the director of the camp. I'm someone who values my time with my family and friends. I enjoy travelling whenever I can, I love to explore a variety of cultures and taste new flavours. I consider myself quite crafty, I enjoy manual work and arts and crafts. I enjoy the outdoors, I like hiking (I do the Camino de Santiago every year), and going to the gym.

César Díez

Primary and secondary teacher - Art

I am a painter and I lived in Maastricht (Netherlands), where I finished my art degree. I love what I do; art is my passion and I like being able to nurture my students´ talents, artistic expression in its broadest sense.

María Ester

Specialist in the Psychopedagogical Development Area (ADEPP)

I teach and support new arrivals in the secondary school “Welcome Room”. I have lived in Nice and speak fluent English, Spanish and Catalan, and I am actively learning French. Managing the diversity of languages is my day-to-day challenge to help new students and those with special needs, academically, emotionally and socially.

Manel Franquet

Secondary teacher - Maths

My specialty is Mathematics, but I also teach Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy to older students. I oversee and coordinate the management of secondary school data in Alexia, the communication platform between parents, teachers and students.

Màrius Folch

Secondary teacher - Spanish language and literature

I have a degree in Spanish philology and studied part of my degree in Seville. I have worked as a Spanish language and literature teacher in Barcelona. Thanks to language and literature I am the person I have become. In my free time I write poetry or reflective texts since I think that through literature the reflection of the conscience of each individual is born and, for this reason, I believe that language and its literariness are necessary for the evolution of the human being When I'm not teaching, I do theatre, do paddle surf and enjoy life with my family and friends.

Kattrhyn Hackett

Secondary teacher - English language

Aaron Lozano

Secondary teacher - Technology

I am an engineer specialised in industrial and automation electronincs and my purpose as a teacher is to be able to inspire students as my teachers did with me. I try to incorporate new methodologies and pedagogical models in my classes to help students with their learning.

Lynne Malcolm

Secondary teacher - Social Sciences

I am Scottish. English is my native language and I also speak Spanish and Catalan. I teach Social Sciences and accompany new students throughout their immersion and learning of the English language. I love animals.

Sara Molina

Specialist in the Psychopedagogical Development Area (ADEPP)

Zoey Mee

Secondary teacher - English

I am British and have lived in South Africa. I am trilingual: I speak English, Spanish and Catalan. I have extensive experience as an English teacher. I firmly believe that language is learned and lived; I like to nurture active learning and language expression in its broadest sense. I love literature and art.

Albert Martí

Secondary teacher - Maths

I am a bioprocess engineer and have worked in different fields of industry, research, education, and also my own educational robotics academy. These experiences give me a vision of mathematics very close to the real world. I think that everyone has their way of understanding mathematics, so I try to adapt to everyone. I like animals, brain games and board games. I enjoy cooking and building things with my hands.

Sonia Ortega

BAT teacher, specialty in mathematics, economics and business.

Pau Packard

Secondary teacher - English language and science

I was born in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. We lived in the US for many years, and then moved to the Gaspe region in Quebec. When I was a young teenager, we moved to Europe, where I have been living since, mostly between Reus and Barcelona, but also in Paris and Northern Germany. I enjoy learning all sorts of things. I earned a PhD in Psychology after completing my experimental research thesis on the cognitive neuroscience of memory and learning in humans at the University of Barcelona, collaborating with the Bellvitge Hospital. Before joining the Socrates Educa International School, I spent some years in Germany continuing my research and teaching, and also at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. When I'm not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my family and my three young children, playing games, reading, or telling them stories.

Patricia Pérez

Secondary teacher - Psychology

I lived in London for 5 years, and I worked as a class teacher in a Primary School. Besides this,I have had the opportunity to work in a wide range of Psychology jobs, not only as an Educational Psychologist, but also for Social Services, as part of a Family Support team.

For my hobbies, I consider myself a very active person and running is my passion. I also enjoy travelling and what I like the most is discovering new places when I run, the reason why I take my running shoes on every trip.

Maria José Rangel

Secondary teacher - Catalan

I have studied and worked in Spain in different schools. My degree is in Catalan. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping students to improve their future, always adapting to the variety of types of learner the classroom, which is my priority.

Santiago Schmidt

Secondary education teacher - Specialty in biology.

I am German and Colombian. I speak fluent German, English and Spanish. I am a specialist in Biology and Philosophy of Science. Before joining the Socrates Educa International School, I worked at the German School of Medellín as a Biology and Science teacher. My passion is visiting museums and libraries.

Xavier Tobías

Secondary teacher - Physical Education

I have lived and worked as a Sports Coordinator in schools in London and Saudi Arabia. In Barcelona, where I come from, I have also worked as a teacher in different schools. I like to foster sports and enhance the natural talents of every child.

Alba Torres

Secondary teacher - Science and maths

I have a PhD in Chemical Engineering, I have worked as a university teacher, as a researcher and as a laboratory technician. I'm passionate about sustainability and science, and how to find a way to enjoy it in our day to day. When I'm not teaching I like to spend time with my family and in nature.

Roger Vallvé

Teacher of Secondary and BAT/IB. Business.

I have a degree in Management and Business administration and Masters in Digital Marketing and Sales. I have worked and lived in different countries. I lived in London for 6 years working as an international marketing manager for a multinational company.

I love travelling to other countries and I enjoy learning about different cultures and meeting people from different places, that's one of the reasons I am enjoying so much working at this school!

Maria Yago

Secondary teacher - Biology

I was born in Tarragona. I lived in the United States while I was doing the third year of my Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology. I'm really passionate about teaching and sharing my knowledge, so that's why I decided to be a Science teacher. I believe in the pedagogical methodology of Socrates Educa and I am really excited to be part of this team. In my free time, I really enjoy playing sports, and spending time with my friends. I love travelling and discovering new places around the world. I also like to spend time reading and studying science to update my knowledge.

Human Resources Department