SEIS distributes scholarships and grants on the 10th Solidarity Night

19-06-2024 10:55

The Socrates Educa International School of Salou was the setting last Friday June 14th, for the Socrates Educa Foundation's 10th Solidarity Night awards and scholarships ceremony. The aim of the evening is to raise funds to support families who may need it in order to provide an inclusive international education. The Fruselva Scholarship... read more

More than 500 people attended the tribute to Dr. Gabriel Ferraté at the Socra-tes Educa International School Salou

28-05-2024 20:46

Last Friday May 24, the Socrates Educa International School Salou held an event to pay tribute to the late Dr. Gabriel Ferraté i Pasqual. More than 500 people, including students, school staff, Foundation Board, Dr. Ferraté's family, authorities and guests, were present at the event held in the school's Forum, which was full to bid farewell to... read more

51 students graduate from BAT and IB at Socrates Educa International School Salou

28-05-2024 20:43

Last Friday, May 17, Socrates Educa International School Salou held its 9th graduation ceremony for BAT and IB (International Baccalaureate) students. 51 students graduated this year. Of these, 23 completed the National Baccalaureate (BAT), 26 took the IB route and 2 completed both programs. More than 8 students have achieved an average... read more

SEIS Secondary students participate in the Premis Injué Emprèn

29-04-2024 10:35

Socrates Educa International School, Salou Baccalaureate students  recently participated in the Premis Injué  awards which promote the entrepreneurial spirit among Secondary students. The challenges, set by local personalities, seek to resolve localneeds.In the Baccalaureate category, this year the challenge was to design... read more

SEIS, in the magazine "Indicador de Economia"

10-04-2024 10:23

The Socrates Educa Foundation General Director, Jaume Vilella, talks about our school and the excellent academic results of our students in the magazine "Indicador d’Economia". Link to the newsread more

SEIS向其教育项目的理念家Gabriel Ferraté博士表示敬意

28-02-2024 10:26

Socrates Educa International School Salou在2月XX日举办了一场向Gabriel Ferraté i Pascual博士致敬的活动,参与者包括从小学三年级到BAT/IB的学生。这个活动旨在认可他是Socrates Educa国际基金会荣誉主席和Socrates Educa教育项目的理念家,他于2月11日去世。 学校校长Jonathan Day,教育项目负责人Hermínia Martí,以及基金会总经理Jaume Vilella,在他们的发言中都谈到了Ferraté的智慧和未来愿景,这些使他能够开发出革命性和创新性的项目,例如“我们的学校,一个从21世纪走向22世纪的国际化,与众不同的学校”。但他不仅是SEIS的推动者,... read more