Socrates Educa International School understands that the success of the education of the infants and young people of today and the future depends on these students being immersed in an international and multilingual environment.

Our Boarding programmes offer students who are from geographically more remote places the opportunity to continue their studies at the School for a specific period of time, becoming part of the Socrates Educa community. The whole School community benefits from these programmes as the values of internationalism and multilingualism are further reinforced and life on the educational Campus multiplies the benefits of an ideal academic, recreational and sports environment.


Duration of programmes for students from 12 years old (Secondary and Baccalaureate):

-       One term

-       Half a school year

-       Whole school year


Options offered: Full Boarding or Weekly Boarding (Boarding programme during the week. With this option, the students return home at weekends, due to the geographical proximity of the School and/or other reasons.)


(definition) Boarding school: a school which provides board and lodging to students during the School year, together with the regular school for students.