Page 5 - EIC INTER - Desembre 2016
P. 5

| Desembre 2016 | Inter. EIC Magazine | 5

                P3- The Colour Monster

                It is a story that guides us through  our motor skills to make a colour
                our emotions: how to recognize  monster, etc.
                them in ourselves and in others,
                what makes us feel that way, how
                to calm down and what to do to
                help others when they are feeling
                stressed  or  upset.  Each  colour
                is  identified  with  a  particular
                feeling. Some of the activities we
                have  worked  on  are  identifying
                the signs that shows us what the
                emotion is (i.e. stomping our feet
                or yelling for anger), recognizing
                that  there  are  different  types
                of  music  related  to  different
                emotions,  we  have  learned  the
                vocabulary,  we  have  worked  on

               P4- Where the wild things are

               The story focuses on a boy called
               Max who, after being naughty, gets
               sent to bed without any dinner. His
               bedroom then begins to transform
               into  a  forest  and  he  leaves  to
               explore. Using his boat, he ends up
               on an island inhabited by the 'Wild
               Things.' The Wild Things make Max
               their king and they all enjoy playing
               together.  However,  after  feeling
               lonely and missing his family, Max
               decides  to  sail  home.  When  he
               arrives back in his bedroom he finds
               his dinner waiting for him; still hot.

                P5- Butterfly ears

                The  story  is  about  Mara,  a  described  their  distinctive
                very special girl, whose ears  facial  features,  as  well  as
                are  very  big.  To  built  her  the  community  around
                confidence, her mother told  them such as family, school
                Mara that her ears were just  friends  and  extra-escolar
                like  butterflies,  giving  her  activities they take part on.
                the  key  to  rise  above  any  The  illustrations  of  the
                type of criticism.      book  are  also  unique.
                This  book  provided  a  When  reading  the  book,
                starting  point  to  begin  a  you  can  delight  yourself
                number  of  discussions,  looking  at  the  colourful
                where   children   talked  backgrounds,  collage  and
                about  what  was  special  printing  techniques  use  to
                and  unique  about  them.  embellish  the  characters´
                They  observed  closely  and  unique fixtures.
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