Page 4 - EIC INTER - Desembre 2020
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4 | Desembre 2020 | Inter. EIC Magazine
           school in confinement

           De  l'escola  del  confinament  al

           sistema  híbrid  implantat  a  l'EiC

               l'Escola Internacional del Camp hem superat amb nota les dificultats imposades per la pandèmia de la Covid-19. Després d'un confinament de dos mesos, amb
           A classes online i rutines establertes, vam aconseguir tornar al centre el dia 1 de juny abans de les vacances d'estiu i dur a terme el Summer Camp. El dia 2 de setembre
           vam tornar a obrir portes després de l'estiu amb un programa de benvinguda, al qual es van acollir 350 estudiants.

           Quan es va decretar el confinament per la pandèmia de la Covid-19, a l'EIC ja estàvem preparats per continuar amb el curs online. I així ho vam fer. Vam convertir una adversitat
           en una oportunitat i vam aconseguir que l'alumnat continués aprenent i continués motivat.

           Nou site
           Com a part del procés d'escolarització a distància, vam crear un nou espai web, on vam penjar diferents informacions i activitats que van en tots sentits: dels docents, dels
           estudiants, de les famílies... Els que teniu a continuació són alguns dels treballs que els estudiants van realitzar des de casa seva.

              Pre School

                  uring  confinement,  the  teaching  staff  considered  how  we  could  try  to   P3 -The Gingerbread man
              Dcontinue classes with our students. Due to their young age, we did not know   •   Charlie the Firefighter
              how to approach it, but as always, our students gave us a great lesson in learning.   •   The Knight and the dragon
              We began holding our online classes with Zoom and it was great.          P4 – We are all different
                                                                                       •   The cautious caterpillar
              Students in P1 and P2 had two connections per day. We started the morning with   •   Super heroes
              the daily connection to do the circle time. It is a key activity for us as it is a time when   P5 – Jack and the Beanstalk
              we work with them on their own name and that of their classmates and happily they   •   Stop telling fibs
              could remember many of the songs we had worked on in the classroom. It was a   •   Carrot club
              rewarding way of saying good morning to each other from home.            Working with stories helped make the children more motivated and allowed us to
              The following connection was based on storytelling, where we could work a lot on the   learn many things at home. We worked on language, maths, body movement and art.
              vocabulary and also work with them on the initiation in mathematical logic.  In addition to these connections, we added other daily activities which were able to
              P3 and P4 students also had two connections per day, obviously with a higher degree   be performed at home and thus also reinforce thwe gross and fine motor skills of the
              of difficulty. We extend the connections to pupils in P5 to three per day with the   children.
              purpose of reinforcing communication in English.                         They were fun activities that helped our students continue to have a relationship with
              The second cycle connections were based on a story. Explaining it helped us to ask   their classmates and teachers and work hard.
              questions about what would happen if.... as well as to help enrich the vocabulary and   They continually sent us pictures and videos of everything they did at home with
              reinforce the mathematical logic of the students                         their parents and which helped us to get to know them better and to participate
              Some examples of the stories worked on were:                             actively in their learning.


                                                                                      Redecorant cases
           Sombrero may Day                                                           L’alumnat  de  Primària  2  va  ajudar  la

           En  Primaria  2,  los  estudiantes                                         professora  de  Castellà  a  redecorar  la
           estuvieron diseñando un sombrero                                           seva  habitació.  Van  rebre  un  àudio
           May Day. Este es de Ada.                                                   amb les instruccions de com la volia i
                                                                                      ells/es li van donar forma. Bona feina,
                                                                                      nois/es, treballant la comprensió oral.
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