Page 9 - EIC INTER - Desembre 2020
P. 9

| Desembre 2020 | Inter. EIC Magazine | 9
          pre school

   Streaming classes

              t  the  preschool  we  make  sure  that  families  are  involved  and
          Astimulate  all  children  through  our  daily  learning  process.  Each
          child is always included in all aspects of our daily journey. As part of
          our day, we stream classes live to children who are currently unable to
          attend school. By doing this the absent children feel included and are
          kept up to date with what is happening in the classroom.

          Pre School Team
          We stream live twice a day. The first time is in the morning during circle
          time,  and  the  second  live  connection  is  in  the  afternoon  when  the
          teacher does an individual session. This includes conversation and story
          time, focusing on new vocabulary.

          Circle time usually includes: music, counting the days of the week and
          learning the sequence of the days, learning about the months and the
          months of the year and the seasons, talking about the weather and also
          the activities organized for that day and/or the week.

          The  teacher  will  usually  ask  questions  and  answer  any  queries  from
          parents too. Circle time is a key element of school that fosters social and
          emotional interaction and connection amongst the children.
          Connecting live with the children at home allows them to feel part of
          the group and when they return it helps to make for an easier transition.
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