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6 | March 2023 | Inter. SE International School Salou Magazine

                     Cross-Curricular Creativity

               s a teacher of art, I have  improve critical thinking skills,  problem-solve when things don't
           Athe pleasure of witnessing  problem-solving abilities, and  go according to plan. Recently in
           the creativity of young children  even academic performance.  First Cycle we have used recycled
           first-hand. However, creativity  Art also provides children with  materials, plants gathered from
           does not only happen during  an outlet for self-expression and  the garden and clay, as well as
           art class- at Socrates Educa  can boost their self-esteem and  more traditional art supplies. We
           International School we involve  confidence!               have explored techniques such as
           creativity  and  imagination  Open-ended exploration allows  collage, line drawing and patterns.
           across all the subjects, during  children to use their imaginations  We  have  taken  inspiration  from
           special weeks and project based  and  creativity  to come  up with  the seasons and from styles such
           learning.  This is an important  their own ideas and solutions.  as Pop Art, as well as from our
           way to allow children to  As Albert Einstein once said,  topic of Cities and Buildings.
           express themselves, develop  "Creativity is intelligence having  Have a look at these pictures
           their  creativity  and  problem-  fun."  Art activities are a  valuable  of First Cycle exploring art and
           solving skills, and explore their  opportunity to give each child  creativity in various different
           imaginations.                positive  feedback,  celebrate  subjects. But remember, art is not
                                        their individuality, and create a  just for children or for school- think
           Miss Pringle                 space  where  our  children  feel  about ways YOU can explore your
           Participation in art activities  comfortable taking risks and  creativity, whether it’s creating
           can have a positive impact on a  trying new things.        art on a page, making music,
           child's overall development and  In our art classes we encourage  writing  or dancing. It’s a  superb
           wellbeing. Studies have found  experimentation with different  way to boost your confidence and
           that  participation  in  art  can  materials and techniques, and  wellbeing!

                     Second cycle STEM                                                               Growth Mindset

               sing  STEM  and  STEAM                                                                  ver since our students join  another way not to do one thing.
           Uprojects in Science is a                                                                Eschool, we work on  the  In  addition,  having  a  growth
           great way to do project-based                                                            ‘Growth Mindset’ concept. If you  mindset and not a fixed one is
           learning.                                                                                visit our school and you stop by  key in order to adapt well to the
                                                                                                    the preschool corridor you will  changing world we live in. Having
           Miss Neal                                                                                see that it is a very important  a growth mindset in primary
           It allows us to incorporate maths,                                                       topic, see the mural, in order to  means knowing ourselves well
           engineering  and  technology                                                             make our students responsible  and know what we do right and
           skills with science to work on                                                           of their learning process but  what we can improve and how.
           practical projects and to learn by                                                       also of their ability to learn  We  are  so  happy  to  see  our
           doing. By working collaboratively                                                        from their own mistakes.     students’ progress and to see
           on STEM projects, our pupils are                                                                                      them find new ways to solve
           having relevant discussions, they                                                        Mr Ferré                     challenges and get better just by
           are problem solving, innovating,                                                         Our students believe in the  trying and not giving up easily.
           decision making and answering                                                            power of  ‘yet’ and how important  Of course, by being perseverant
           scientific questions.                                                                    it is to find ways to achieve their  and by working the growth
           This term in primary 3, our                                                              own  goals  in  many  different  mindset our young students will
           pupils completed the Lunar-                                                              ways. Our preschool and primary  have a bright future ahead  of
           landers STEM challenge.  They                                                            students understand mistakes as  them.
           had to design and build a vessel
           which would safely contain
           two astronauts when they were
           dropped from different heights.
           This project included skills such
           as designing, making, testing,
           measuring and decision-making
           and the pupils were learning  and as part of this topic, the pupils  matter so they had to function
           different ways of finding solutions  were challenged to make the  correctly. The final test was highly
           as part of this project.     STEM solar oven.              enjoyable as we melted chocolate
           In primary 4 we were learning  We wanted to use our ovens to  and marshmallows to make (and
           about  solids,  liquids  and  gases  investigate changing states of  eat) s’mores. Yum!
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