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| Setmanes Especials 2022 | Inter. EIC Magazine | 7
          science week

          Special visitors for  Our future scientists

                      Science week                                                                   Dstudents celebrated Science Week with plenty of activities
                                                                                                         uring  the  third  week  of  November,  EIC  Secondary

                                                                                                     related  to  the  subjects  they  are  studying.  EIC  staff  applied
                                                                                                     Chemistry,  Physics,  Biology  and Technology  to  the  world  of
              uring  Science  Week,  First                                                           fruit and vegetables, showing how we can use these elements
         DCycle  were  lucky  enough                                                                 to produce electricity or to discuss the mathematical rules of
         to  welcome  the  Borras  Hänzi                                                             surfaces or volumes.
         family  to  EIC.  They  shared  lots
         of information with us about the                                                            Mr Ferré
         fruits  and  vegetables  that  they                                                         These unusual projects help to understand the world of plants
         grow  and  send  all  over  Europe                                                          and how we can imagine a greener future using daily fruit and
         for people to enjoy.                                                                        vegetables for multiple purposes. Every year the topic changes,
                                                                                                     and  the  EIC  Staff  will  be  there  to  find  new  ways  to  help  our
         Miss Amy                                                                                    students  to  better  understand  the  world  around  them  with
         First  Cycle  learned  what  plants                                                         exciting classwork and fresh knowledge.
         need  to  grow  and  how  we  can
         look  after  them.  This  fitted  in
         perfectly with our focus on plants
         and seeds during this special week
         and we were able to use what they  an  update:  many  pupils  have  the  vegetables  that  we  planted
         taught us when we went to the EIC  reported  back  that  their  plants  in  the  garden  during  Science
         garden  to  plant  vegetables.  Each  have  grown  bigger  and  bigger  Week.  Thank  you  to  the  Borras
         pupil  was  even  given  a  lettuce  into  lettuces  for  them  to  enjoy.  Hänzi  family  for  bringing  your
         plant to take home to nurture!   Not only that, but it is now time  knowledge and love of growing to
         Now that spring is here we have  for us to start harvesting some of  First Cycle!
                                                                                                    Chinese Personified!
          La Semana de las Ciencias en clase

                                    de Castellano                                                  ENovember)  this  year  was  all  vegetables in Chinese and created
                                                                                                      IC  Science  Week  (15-19  of  week,  we  learnt  various  fruit  and

                                                                                                   about ‘Fruit and Vegetables’!   posters  to ‘personify’  them!  Check
                n  primero  de  primaria,  en  vocabulario  y  poniendo  en                                                     out  some  of  the  fun  outcomes,
             Ela asignatura de Castellano,  común sus gustos y preferencias                        Leire  Ugalde,  Mar  Gutiérrez,  which  complemented  the  Science
             hemos  trabajado  los  campos  sobre  estos  comestibles  tan                         Paula  Revuelta  &  Ariadna  Week learning theme!
             semánticos   vinculando   la  sanos  y  deliciosos  en  distintos                     Marsal (ESO4)                ‘We  made  a  FruiTinder  poster  and
             temática de la semana especial  contextos  y  desde  diferentes                       In  addition  to  our  fascinating  gave fruit and vegetables characters
             con el contenido curricular.   experiencias culturales                                science  activities  throughout  the  for dating!’’
                                         Para  la  realización  de  esta
             Escuela                     actividad,   los   alumnos
             En  pequeños  grupos  y  de  han   utilizando   los   ipads,
             manera   colaborativa,   los  familiarizando  así  con  el  uso
             alumnos  han  creado  dibujos  responsable  de  los  mismos,
             formando   diferentes   frutas  reforzando uno de los pilares de
             y   verduras   ampliando   su  nuestra escuela.

                           Harvesting olives from the school olive trees

           t  has  become  a  tradition  pedagogical  model  Socrates  be  tasted  in  a  couple  of  weeks  wellbeing,  which  contributes  to
          Ito  harvest  the  olives  from  Educa.                    as  a  delicious  ingredient  in  the  their emotional development.
          the  school  olive  trees  during                          school menus.
          Science Week. The  olive  tree  is  School                 Looking  after  our  garden  and
          a  symbol  of  peace,  friendship,  Through our mentoring program,  trees not only promotes students'
          wisdom,  growth,  prosperity  BAT  and  ESO  students  worked  responsibilities  and  teamwork,
          and  stability  dating  back  to  alongside  Primary  during  the  but also through these hands-on
          ancient  Greek  times,  having  harvesting   and   preserving  learning  experiences,  students
          a  very  special  bond  with  our  process of our olives, which will  develop  a  strong  sense  of
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