Page 3 - EIC INTER - Març 2018
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| Setmana Santa 2018 | Inter. EIC Magazine | 3

                                                                                                    sòcrates educa: un model educatiu
                              The challenge of Leading an

                  International school? Is it very different?                                       d'avui per a l'educació de demà

                                                                                                                                  Internacional  i  inclusiu.  És  un
                                                                                                                                  equip  que  facilita  la  confluència
                                                         granted. We are developing our Professio-                                de   les   millors   pràctiques
                                                         nal Development framework to encourage                                   educatives  fent  que  el  dia  a
                                                         teachers to grow their careers here in the                               dia  a  l’escola  sigui  excepcional.
                                                         EIC, but good teachers will always be able                               Observa el seu alumnat i busca els
                                                         to choose their place of work. Our turnover                              seus  diferents  talents,  hi  trebala
                                                         is low, a good sign. Of course we have a big   En  el  centre  del  nostre  model  i  facilita  les  eines  per  a  què  els
                                                         local body of staff too, and many of them   educatiu,   hi   ha   l’alumne.  desenvolupin. Les dificultats, que
                                                         will help provide a core of stability as they   L’alumne que des de P1 creix i es  també  n’hi  ha,  es  converteixen
                                                         are geographically attached.               desenvolupa amb esforç i alegria,  en  eines  a  partir  de  les  quals
                                                         In any profession there is a clear culture and   amb curiositat i autonomia, amb  ofereixen diversitat d’oportunitats
                                                         this changes from one country to the next -   mentalitat oberta per a la recerca,  d’aprenentatge   als   alumnes
                 Leading a school, a faculty, a department,  within our body of teachers, there are very   la  investigació  i  l’atreviment  de  mitjançant   la   diferenciació
                 a team or an organisation - I have done all  different  expectations  and  understanding   formular  preguntes.  L’alumnat  (adequant-se  a  les  capacitats  i
                 of these, and you may say that “a school’s a  of  professional  standards  and  duties,  so   és  creatiu  i  responsable  del  seu  característiques  dels  infants  i
                 school” - which is true all around the world.  this is a major priority when bringing toge-  aprenentatge,  per  la  qual  cosa  joves),  així  com,  mitjançant  la
                 However, alongside the usual challenges of  ther one big team, and we have developed   vol aprendre i troba el millor camí  diversitat   metodològica   que
                 leadership and school management, there  a core set of policies and guidelines.    per  arribar  a  la  seva  excel·lència  permet  a  l’alumne,  descobrir  la
                 is greater complexity and diversity in an in-  Students  -  The  integration  of  new  arri-  emocional i acadèmica.   millor manera d’aprendre.
                 ternational school such as EIC.         vals,  from  Reus  to  Rio,  who  have  varying   El   nostre   alumnat   aprèn  Ser  mestre/a  a  l’EIC  és  un  repte
                 Parents - we need to manage parents’ ex-  levels of English at all ages, is a challenge   acompanyat  de  la  seva  família,  estimulant  que  requereix  un
                 pectations, that is not a new concept, but  for ensuring access to the curriculum, and   d’un   entorn   d’aprenentatge  perfil  professional  de  qualitat,
                 with  up  to  40  nationalities  in  our  school,  through  support,  differentiation  and  the   estimulant i de l’equip docent.  internacional i a punt per ser un
                 parental expectations show significant di-  Welcome  Room,  we  are  continuously  im-  Avui  voldria,  precisament,  parlar  mestre/a d’avui per a una escola
                 fferences, and there is a strong local group  proving our provision. Transition has to be   del  nostre  equip  docent.  És  un  de demà!
                 which  at  times  has  a  local  mindset  more  customised, otherwise we risk giving a stu-  equip multicultural i multilingüe,   Hermínia Martí i arbós
                 than an international outlook, common in  dent a traumatising experience, and I know   amb mentalitat oberta i avançada.     sotsdirectora eIc
                 communities like ours. Of course, the local  as parent how difficult the integration to a
                 culture  is  a  stated  feature  of  our  identity  new and different school can be, especially   ready, steady...go!
                 and enriches our experience.            with the challenges of learning up to three
                 Families - many international schools expe-  new languages at the same time, knowing
                 rience “churn” or turnover of families which  nobody  and  having  to  make  new  friends                        i ens desinhibim d’un dia atrafegat...
                 can  be  destabilising,  and  their  mission  is  and learning familiar subjects in a very di-                   Si caiem, ens aixequem i ens movem
                 precisely to support these families who are  fferent way - just look at Maths around the                         en el llindar d’èxits i fracassos, pro-
                 on the move every couple of years. We are  world! Special Needs support is often stret-                          vocant un afany de superació que,
                 fortunate  that  in  the  EIC,  these  numbers  ched by the difficulty of understanding and                      portat al nostre dia a dia, ens fa ser
                 do not represent such a big proportion to  diagnosing  different  student  profiles  and                         més bones persones, més obertes i
                 cause instability, but at the same time the  learning difficulties, and problems can be                          més flexibles amb el nostre entorn.
                 regular  ins  and  outs  of  families  from  the  hidden by the language barrier experien-  Els  beneficis  que  aporta  la  pràc-  Cal,  però,  tenir  cura  de  les  nostres
                 different continents bring exciting new di-  ced on arrival.                       tica  esportiva  estan  àmpliament   habilitats  i  possibilitats  i  rebre  un
                 mensions to  our daily life.            Lastly, we are a very young organisation, so   demostrats des de fa temps en di-  bon assessorament a l’hora de prac-
                 The  integration  of  families  and  cultural  we are not just running a school - we are   versos  estudis.  Practicar  esport  de   ticar esport. Sí, aquí també podem
                 communication challenges can be difficult  developing  EIC  routines,  traditions  and  a   manera  regulada  i  moderada  ens   aplicar  una  de  les  màximes  del
                 for new arrivals as well as for our establis-  culture, for which we are highly ambitious,   ajuda  a  millorar  la  salut.  La  nostra   nostre projecte educatiu, “la indivi-
                 hed population, so we must all make that  every day of the year. Our cultural context   qualitat de vida, en general, millora   dualització”. No tothom està fet per
                 extra effort and venture out of our “comfort  is  rich:  for  example,  understanding  the   amb l’activitat física i l’esport. Estar   córrer, per nedar o per jugar a ten-
                 zone”  at  times,  in  the  Forum  ,  in  parents’  concepts of time, punctuality and efficien-  actius  ja  és  sinònim  de  benestar  i   nis. Hem de trobar aquella activitat
                 social media, at birthdays, the EIC Café and  cy  cannot  be  taken  for  granted  between   això  ens  permet  una  millor  gestió   que s’adeqüi més a les nostres con-
                 through our Clubs.                      one person and the next. As long as we can   de les emocions.            dicions.
                 Leadership - I have mentioned families and  cope  with  the  unexpected  and  can  step   Els  avantatges  són  quasi  bé  infi-  Qui sap si amb el temps serem tam-
                 “churn”, but a school’s greatest resource is  into our colleagues’ or student’s shoes, we   nits. Ens permet fixar-nos objectius,   bé partícips de la frase pronuncia-
                 its staff. The characteristic of international  can develop understanding, good leaders-  nous reptes de manera esgraonada;   da pel baró Pierre de Coubertin en
                 staff  is  that  they  have  the  taste  for  travel  hip and a happy school.      podem  compartir  el  moment  de   la  inauguració  dels  primers  Jocs
                 and can easily be tempted to explore ano-                                          lleure i esforç, socialitzant-nos; ens   Olímpics de l’Edat Moderna: “Citius,
                 ther part of the world, living and working                                         fa ser millors líders però també ens   Altius, Fortius” (més ràpid, més alt i
                 there.  Getting  a  job  on  the  other  side  of                Jonathan day      ajuda a treballar en equip; facilita la   més fort!) Si més no, segur que fent
                 the globe is easy, and mobility is taken for                  Head Teacher eIc     presa de decisions; posa en valor el   esport ens trobarem millor!
                                                                                                    sacrifici i el patiment (dins d’uns lí-         Ignasi Bau
                                                                                                    mits!); ens concentrem en l’exercici        sotsdirector eIc
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