Page 13 - EIC INTER - Desembre 2017
P. 13

| Desembre 2017 | Inter. EIC Magazine | 13
            the four eic pillars

            service to the community

            the  eic  with  'La  marató  de  tv3'

                 on- uniform day is one of
            Nthe  charity  events  that
            the school organises 3 times a
            year, once per trimester, to raise
            money for a donation.

            mr Bau
            This  charity  cause  can  be  to
            anyone or anywhere that we as a
            school  think  and  decide  that  we
            can make a difference. Last year for
            example  the  money  was  sent  to  social awareness about "infectious
            “ACNUR” which is an organisation  diseases”.
            that helps refugees in Siria, gives  On the other hand, and through
            them  a  place  to  sleep,  food,  Mutua General de Catalunya, you
            cleaning supplies…            can start to make "origami" (paper
            As  well  as  giving  donations  to  cranes) to beat the record of last
            organisations  in  other  countries  year, which was 1,025 cranes.
            we  also  contribute  in  helping  Remember   that   the   MGC  truly  committed  to  this  event.  I
            those in our own country, in our  exchanges  each  of  these  cranes  believe that this is a great way of
            one  “home”.  This  trimester  we  for 1 euro (up to a total of 50,000  getting the whole school involved
            have  chosen  to  support  the TV3  €) money that is also intended for  and  aware  of  whats  happening
            ‘La  Marató’  foundation  with  the  La Marató.            in  the  world  and  around  them,
            mission  of  promoting  the  best  As  being  a  present  member  of  beginning from the oldest to the
            biomedical  research,  as  well  as  the  Senior  Student  Council  I'm  smallest students.


            sustainability in science Week                                                                  moble solidari

                 owadays  we  use  a  lot  of  wind car, organic paint to decorate  to  save  another  thing.  On  Friday   l'Escola  Internacional  del  de  material  escolar  i  les  ONG  a
            Nelectricity:  to  charge  the  plant  pots  and  an  ecosystem.  afternoon  we  looked  at  all  the  A amp  hem  estrenat  un  qui va dirigida és LIights of hope
            device,  to  get  to  school,  to  Some  of  these  ecosystems  have  plastic we had used in one week;  moble,  que  trobareu  a  l'entrada  (
            drink  clean  water  and  to  cook  survived  in  the  sun  without  it was shocking!We also collected  de  l'escola,  de  recollida  de  inicio.html) i El hogar de las niñas
            warm  food. When  you  actually  watering  them  for  some  weeks.  money  to  adopt  a  hurt  animal.  diferents  materials  per  a  quatre  (
            think about it, there is a lot of  Our  school  celebrated  Science  After all of these experiences we  campanyes solidàries, un projecte  Per últim, la quarta campanya és
            electricity.                  Week and we learned how to save  have  learned  how  to  make  the  que  s'emmarca  en  l'àmbit  dels  de  recollida  de  gots  i  culleretes
                                          electricity  and  make  the  world  a  earth a cleaner place. Together we  Serveis a la Comunitat de l'EIC.   de plàstic i va destinada a Sonríe
            storay, shagun and Leire      cleaner  place.  Everyday  we  tried  can do it!                                        y   Crece   (https://sonrieycrece.
            Now, not all energy is bad, the only                                                    escola                        es/quienessomos/).  Esperem  la
            bad  energy  is  the  energy  made                                                      El  projecte  preveu  que  l'EIC  doni  vostra col·laboració a fi d'educar al
            out  of  fossil  fuels.  It  is  not  only                                              suport  a  quatre  campanyes  nostre alumnat en la solidaritat i el
            disappearing  it  is  also  very  bad                                                   solidàries  al  llarg  de  tot  el  curs,  compromís amb els altres.
            for  the  environment,  therefore                                                       campanyes que volen aconseguir  Els comentats són 4 dels més de 14
            we  have  discovered  an  energy                                                        materials  "petits"  que  siguin  projectes de Servei a la Comunitat
            that will never finish and it’s good                                                    acumulables durant tot l'any.   que es fan en col·laboració amb el
            for the environment, this is called                                                     La  primera  campanya  és  de  club de pares i mares, de Serveis a
            renewable  energy.  Another  way                                                        recollida  d'ulleres  i  va  destinada  la Comunitat.
            to not even have to produce that                                                        a  l'ONG  ÒPTICS  X  MÓN  (http://
            many things is being sustainability.                                          
            Primary 5 and 6 did some activities                                                     entitats/optics-x-mon-76/).   La
            sustainability  for  some  weeks  on                                                    segona campanya és de recollida
            Friday afternoons. The idea was to                                                      de  taps  i  tots  els  que  es  recullin
            have fun and not harm the earth                                                         es  donaran  a  la  Fundació  Noèlia
            at  the  same  time. To  do  this  we                                                   (   La
            have  made  our  own  compost,  a                                                       tercera campanya és de recollida
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