Page 4 - EIC INTER - Juny 2016
P. 4

4 | Juny 2016 | Inter. EIC Magazine

         Maneres  diferents  d'ensenyar,                                                          The path to success

         maneres  diferents  d'aprendre

                                                                                                                               have a CHOICE in life. The more
                                       ...  i  és  que  a  l’Escola,  ensenyem  casos,  ni  els  mateixos  alumnes             competencies, the more values,
                                       de manera diferent perquè apre-  en són conscients però cada cop                        the  more  tools,  the  more  of
                                       nem de manera diferent!      que fem agrupaments flexibles o                            everything we are able to provi-
                                       La  diferenciació  a  l’aula  per-  activitats creatives i innovadores,                 de to those generation leaving
                                       met  acompanyar  a  l’alumnat  estem  facilitant  el  coneixement                       the  EIC,  the  greater  options  in
                                       atenent  les  seves  necessitats  de l’alumne tenint en compte la                       life they have.
                                       d’aprenentatge,  interessos,  ca-  seva  disposició  d’aprendre,  les                   As Patron and as father of Laura,
                                       pacitats,  ....  al  mateix  temps  seves necessitats educatives, in-                   who  graduated  this  year,  I  am
                                       que  respectant  el  ritme  natu-  teressos i motivacions.  Some days ago I had the great  happy and proud that all toge-
                                       ral  de  cada  un  d’ells  i  integrant  La  diferenciació  permet  la  in-  honor  and  pleasure  to  assist  ther  we  have  opened  a  great
         Maneres  diferents  d’ensenyar,  definitivament,  les  múltiples  clusió  i  dóna  l’oportunitat  de  the  celebration  of  the  first  EIC  bunch of doors in the life of tho-
         maneres diferents d’aprendre.  intel·ligències dels nostres alum-  compartir  les  diferents  estratè-  graduation  class.  It  was  a  spe-  se kids... now it is up to them to
         A les aules de l’EIC sovint trobem  nes.                   gies  d’aprenentatge  emprades  cial moment for the school, for  choose the doors they want to
         als  alumnes  descobrint  un  nou  Diferenciem  a  l’aula  proposant  pels  alumnes  proporcionant  the graduating kids, for the tea-  step in... all about CHOICE...
         concepte, fet, o idea mitjançant  activitats  amb  suports  visuals,  l’oportunitat de descobrir noves  chers, for all colaborators of the  Congrats  to  the  whole  EIC  fa-
         propostes  didàctiques  diferen-  apps,  vídeos  o  textos  escrits,  ....  formes d’aprendre i fent per tant,  school and for those of us that  mily for making this happen.
         ciades  que  tenen  en  compte  la  indicacions  més  o  menys  com-  un  alumne  més  capaç,  compe-  some years ago had the dream
         capacitat  de  l’alumne.  Lectures  plexes,  diferenciant  els  criteris  tent i autònom en el procés edu-  and vision to make this happen.
         diferents,  nivells  de  complexi-  d’avaluació,...        catiu al llarg de la seva vida.  The greatest gift we, as parents
         tat  o  aprofundiment  diversos,  No es tracta de fer visible aques-                    and as members of the EIC fa-             Thomas Portune
         possibilitat  d’escollir  el  projecte  ta  diferenciació  i  és  per  aquest   Hermínia Martí i Arbós  mily,  are  able  to  give  to  those   Patró FEIC
         didàctic,  activitats  audiovisuals,  motiu,  que  en  la  majoria  dels   Coordinadora Sòcrates Educa  graduating kids is the ability to


                 his non-uniform day the whole school was raising money for
              Tpoor children and families in Bangladesh. Erik Zabalegui is a
              student from the EIC who has been studying in Bangladesh for a
              year and he is in close contact with his ESO 3 school friends who
              immediately jumped at the idea of raising money to help a good

              Axelle Day (ESO 3)
              In ESO we all brought in 1€ to be dressed in our own clothes, and
              in Primary they brought in 50 cents. As well as this, we had lots
              of things on sale, such as smoothies, cakes and 'guess how many
              sweets are in the jar!' We managed to do all of this with the help of
              Erik (who used to come to EIC but now lives in Bangladesh) and his
              mum, who helped set us up with a charity. This has helped us raise
              more than 700€ for children with less opportunities than we do, so
              thank you to everyone who donated and helped out!
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