Page 4 - EIC Bulletin - Desembre 2020
P. 4

Dinar d'acció de gràcies
                                                                                     Benvolgudes  famílies,  volem  compartir  amb  vostès  el  dinar  d'acció
                                                                                     de  gràcies  al  menjador  escolar  de  l'EIC.  Els  alumnes  han  degustat  un
                                                                                     menú tradicional per aquesta data que constava de bajoques saltejades
          EIC students at 40 universities                                            amb  bacó,  rodó  de  gall  dindi  amb  salsa  de  bolets  i  albergínia  amb
          You can find EIC students at over 40 universities around the world - here   acompanyament de puré de patata i de postres fruita.
          are some of them!                                                          Un dia especial per agrair tot allò positiu que ens envolta.

         Science Week in Primary 1
         In  Primary  1,  during  Science  Week,  we  planted  lots
         of  vegetables  and  we  learned  lots  about    water  and
         sustainability. Marcus in Primary 1a shared a wonderful
         presentation about  Sir Issac Newton’s third law.We did
         some follow up experiments to learn about action and
         opposite reaction . We had a great Science week well done
         boys and girls !
                                                 Janette Adams

          Where in the world?                                                                                    Daily life
          Opening a little window on the international world and to awaken children’s
          curiosity about different cultures, Ms. Cecilia Albo, Primary Science Leader,
          has launched this new section, where you can read the clues and email us
          with your answer. You could be the next person writing this section, next
          Where in the world?/ Guess which country this is!
          •   This country, is an island nation, consisting of more than 6800 islands
             and is the eleventh most populous country in the world.
          •   In this country, it's polite to slurp while eating since it shows the chef
             that you appreciate the food and at the same time, it enhances the
          •   This country suffers more than 1500 earthquakes every year. Luckily,
             the intensity of the earthquakes varies, most of them are just small
             shakes, but some reach more than 8 on the Richter Scale.
          •   It has the highest number of vending machines in the world, which is
             quite convenient as they are open 24/7.
          •   Traditionally in this country you bow instead of shaking hands. The
             lower you bow, the more respect you show toward the other person.
          •   Most schools contemplate “cleaning” as part of their curriculum. Not
             only do they save some money, but they also raise awareness with the
             students: can you imagine something like that in our school?
          If  you  think  you  know  the  answer,
          please email us at whereintheworld@

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