Page 15 - EIC INTER - Juny 2018
P. 15

| Juny 2018 | Inter. EIC Magazine | 15
            eic community

               exposició sobre la pedagoga cèlia artiga

                   l  hall  de  l'Escola  Internacional  del  Camp  ha  pedagoga.  Una  de  les  peces  més  singulars  i  que  més
               Eacollit des del 28 de maig i fins aquesta mateixa  va  cridar  l'atenció  va  ser  una  taula  de  materials  per  a
               setmana una exposició sobre la mestra i pedagoga  alumnat  d'Infantil  utilitzats  per  Artiga  i  una  altra  amb
               Cèlia Artiga, una de les principals protagonistes de  materials actuals. D'aquesta manera quedava reflexat com
               la renovació pedagògica a Catalunya.           d'innovadors eren els materials utilitzats per la pedagoga,
                                                              alguns d'ells encara vigents,  i l'evolució que han tingut.
               escola                                         La  mostra  d'aquesta  mestra  nascuda  a  Reus  va  estar
               La  mostra  es  va  inaugurar  el  28  de  maig  i  va  comptar  vinculada a les II Jornades Pedagògiques de la FEIC, que
               amb l'assistència de l'experta en la vida de Cèlia Artiga,  van versar sobre la innovació i la recerca a l'aula. A més,
               la  historiadora  Carme  Pujol,  els  fills  de  la  pedagoga,  la  les mestres d'educació Infantil de l'EIC faran un curs de
               regidora de Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Salou, la directora  formació  durant  el  mes  de  juliol  per  elaborar  materials
               de  l'Escola  Cèlia  Artiga  de  Reus,  mestres  que  van  ser  innovadors per a les seves classes.
               alumnes d'Artiga, staff de l'EIC i famílies.
               L'acte va comptar amb l'explicació d'anècdotes i records
               per  part  dels  fills  d'Artiga,  a  qui  volem  agrair  la  seva
               L'exposició acollia material cedit pel Centre de Recursos
               Pedagògics Baix Camp i per la Biblioteca Xavier Amorós. Es
               podien veure diferents materials creats per la innovadora

                              senior student council at the eIc

                tudent Council is all about  I’m sure someone else will do it”,                                                   amazing that there are students
            Simproving,        changing,  and these just wait until someone                                                       which  give  up  their  breaks  and
            solving,  speaking,  listening,  changes  the  issue  or  they  just                                                  their time they have throughout
            debating,         discussing,  forget about it. The second type                                                       the  week  to  make  student  lives
            organising  and  much  more.  of  person  is  the  one  who  takes                                                    better. A wonderful thing about
            Senior Student Council is made  action, the one who brainstorms                                                       being in an International School,
            up  of  the  representatives  of  several  options  to  change,  to                                                   is  that  we  have  students  which
            each and every class of ESO &  solve,  to  improve,  who  starts                                                      have  had  amazing  experiences
            BAT/IB.                       discussing with other people for                                                        in  other  countries  around  the
                                          their opinion, who makes things                                                         globe, this helps us to come up
            Tom Kammüller Pont            happen,  who  changes  things.                                                          with different and new ideas from
            senior    student    council  That is the type of person which                                                        around the world and use them
            secretary                     we always look for having in EIC’s  talked  about  first  in  meetings,  know.  As  a  representative,  the  to improve and make our school
            There  is  also  another  Student  Student Council.        and  then  we  continue  with  the  main ‘concept’ of our role is: we  unique.  I  personally  have  lived
            Council  for  Primary,  although  We have meetings every Tuesday  talking turns. We shouldn’t forget  have is to listen to our classmates  4 years and a half in Stockholm
            it  is  not  as ‘active’  as  the  Senior  although  depending  on  the  about  the  help  of  Mr  Day  and  and collect any ideas, problems,  (Sweden), and many things from
            Student  Council.  We  are  the  circumstances they change. They  Mr  Bau  at  the  meetings  which  and feedback they have. Later our  this  school  give  me  really  nice
            people who organise your loved  take  place  in  a  private  dining  are very important for us, as we  job is to talk about those issues in  memories from my International
            ‘Non-Uniform  Days’,  we  are  the  room  which  is  between  the  obtain responses, feedback, and  Student Council and solve them  school  which  I  studied  in
            people who organise and decide  shop and the Cafeteria. Between  help in decisions.     and  later  have  a  response  to  back  there.  This  school  being
            to  which  charity  the  money  everybody we lay the table and  I am the Minutes Writer, my job is  our  classmates.  Sometimes  it’s  International  is  the  reason  that
            goes to, we are the people who  serve  ourselves  the  food,  once  to write down in every meeting  difficult for everyone to agree in a  made  me  leave  my  old  school
            transmit information to and from  everybody  is  settled  down  the  what is said, who says it, to whom  specific thing, that’s why respect  and  move  to  this  one.  Having
            our classmates, we are the people  President  starts  the  meeting.  should they talk to, and by when  and dialogue are essential in our  different  cultures  in  my  family
            who  listen  and  find  a  solution  We have turns for talking, either  it should be done. This is all then  meetings.  As  well  as  debating  also helps me understand people
            for  whatever  comes  across  our  starting  from  the  youngest  or  put  together  in  a  document  and  thinking  from  different  in our International School.
            minds related to the school.   the oldest classes. But sometimes  with all the details for everyone,  points of view together.   If you would like to try out being
            When someone thinks something  there  are  priorities  like  Non-  so  it’s  then  much  easier  for  the  We are all very gratefull to have  in the Student Council talk with
            should be improved or changed  Uniform  Day  which  should  be  representatives  to  later  explain  people which enjoy in improving  your  class  represtatives  and
            in  any  way,  two  type  of  people  organised, and the charity where  to their classmates what we have  our  school,  to  improve  their  come to one of our meetings and
            are  present. The  most  common  the  money  will  go  should  be  talked  about  and  what  are  the  place where they spend 8 hours  you will be more than welcome!
            are the ones who think “oh well,  decided, these cases are the ones  important things that they should  a  day,  their ‘second  home’.  It  is  Thanks.
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