Page 12 - EIC INTER - Juny 2018
P. 12

12 | Juny 2018 | Inter. EIC Magazine
          the four eic pillars


                                  From Glasgow to salou

           nterview  to  our  Scottish  at the school. So with the support  teaching and where?   Argyll and Bute, one of the most  Some  of  the  women  I  admire
          IPrimary  2B  teacher  Miss  of  my  husband  and  daughter  I  EIC is the first International School  beautiful  places  in  Scotland.  I  include Maya Angelou, Oprah and
          Adams.                       was able to return to university as  I  have  worked  in  and  I  am  very  spent  three  happy  years  there  Malala Yousafzai.
                                       a  mature  student  and  become  a  happy to be here. I have worked  as  principal  teacher  and  acting
          school                       primary school teacher.      in  several  different  schools  Headteacher  but  after  three  Next holiday?
          What  inspired  you  to  be  a                            throughout my career. I spent my  very  wet  and  windy  summers,  I  Obviously you would have to visit
          teacher?                     What is the best part of your job?  probationary  year  in  a  primary  decided that sunny Spain had to  the  country  that  has  amazing
          I  had  spent  many  years  working  There are many things that I enjoy  five class in a school just outside  be the next destination.  scenery,  beautiful  mountains,
          for multinationals in both human  about my job , creativity , laughter ,  Glasgow. Then I spent eight years          many  great  lochs  (even  one
          resources  and  purchasing  before  energy , fun and most importantly  in  a  large  primary  school  in  East  Do  you  have  any  heroes/  with  a  monster!)  and  cities  with
          embarking on my teaching career.  the ability to believe that anything  Ayrshire.  Then  I  moved  onto  a  someone you admire?  outstanding  architecture,  music

          I  was  very  happy  to  escape  the  is possible. I remember a little boy  promoted  post  in  Inveraray  in  My late father was a real inspiration  and  culture.  Yes,  Scotland,  of
          corporate world and move into a  in my class told me once that he                       for me. When I was young I was an  course. Glasgow is my hometown
          more  inspiring  environment.  My  was going to be the president of                     athlete and performer and it was  so  I  have  to  favour  that  over
          business  degree  enabled  me  to  the  United  States  and  the  Prime                 my dad who always gave me the  Edinburgh  but  once  you  leave
          return  to  Strathclyde  University  Minister  of  the  United  Kingdom!                confidence to believe that I could  the  cities  and  head  to  Argyll
          in Glasgow to complete my Post-  I am also very happy when I see                        achieve anything with hard work  and  Bute,  Perthshire,  Skye  and
          graduate  Diploma  in  Primary  a  pupil  growing  in  confidence                       and  dedication.  My  mum  still  then  the  Highlands  you  will  be
          Education.  I  had  worked  with  especially  at  the  end  of  the  year               continues to inspire me with her  surrounded  by  scenery  that  will
          children  in  several  voluntary  when  they  have  to  move  on  to                    selfless acts and kindness towards  overwhelm you with such joy that

          organisations  and  really  enjoyed  their new class, equipped with the                 others.  I  am  also  interested  in  you  won’t  mind  the  heavy  rain.
          mentoring   and   empowering  skills and knowledge to help them                         human  rights,  equality  and  the  George Orwell wrote that you will
          young  people.  I  had  also  strive  positively  and  successfully                     arts,  so there are many people I  always find a friend in Spain; the
          volunteered  as  a  parent  helper  through life.                                       admire  in  these  fields,  specially  same can be said about the Scots
          at  my  daughter’s  school  and  felt                                                   those who use their fame for good,  as long as you ask them to speak
          really inspired by the teaching staff  How  long  have  you  been                       to  improve  the  lives  of  others.  slowly .

          new Technologies

                                          Virtual reality in eso2

               hat  is  the  better  way  to  collectively  known  as  the  STEM
         Wlearn  how  something  disciplines.  Creating  3D  objects
         works? Explaining it to others!   on a computer is likely to enhance
                                       such improvements and promote
         Miss Gomis                    spatial understanding even further
         Our  ESO2  students  not  only  and in this project students could
         discovered  the  existance  and  improve their spatioal thinking.
         function  of  the  different  power  And  we  can't  forget  coding!
         plants   used   nowadays   but  Coding  allows  kids  to  learn  a
         explained it in a very special way:  new  method  of  communication
         with virtual reality!         and  expression.  While  computer
         The  students  designed  each  programming  might  seem  like  a
         part  of  the  power  plants  with  straightforward skill without much
         their  ipads  using  simple  blocks  room for growth or creativity, that
         and  once  built,  explain  all  the  couldn’t be further from the truth.
         functioning with their own voices  Coding  teaches  problem  solving
         while  showing  it  with  a  camera  and  analytical  skills  that  force
         coded by themselves.          children  to  grow  intellectually
         Research  indicates  that  strong  and  think  outside  of  the  box  so
         spatial  thinking,  a  skill  necessary  programming  helps  teach  kids
         for  creating  three  dimensional  logical  thinking  and  reasoning
         objects,  is  directly  linked  to  and opens the doors for different
         success  in  science,  technology,  methods  of  communication,  like
         engineering  and  mathematics,  writing or speech.
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