Page 3 - EIC Bulletin - March 2022
P. 3

Model United Nations project
            From Friday 18th to Sunday, 20th February, a group of IB and BAT students took part in this year's Model
            United Nations project. They worked with young people from around the world as delegates to discuss
            diplomatic and political issues and to aim to find solutions. They developed their understanding of
            how the UN works and were able to experience working in a really multinational environment. This
            kind of international event is an excellent preparation for future studies and work as global citizens.
            The days were long, beginning at 7am due to time distance differences and students had to adapt
            to the protocols of international meetings, and understand different mindsets and political/cultural
            approaches. Thanks to the BAT/IB teachers for their extra effort and support!
                                                                                                   Mr. Vallvè

                                                                       Català per al professorat
                                                                       Sabíeu que els profes també aprenen els idiomes vehiculars de l'escola? Enhorabona a les
                                                                       alumnes Kimberley Neal, Rita Raudoniute i Amy Pringle per haver superat el primer trimestre
                                                                       de la classe de nivell Bàsic de Català! Poc a poc i bona lletra, noies!
                                                                                                                                             Christina Pablo

            Taller de l'Agència Catalana del Consum
            El passat 16 de febrer els alumnes de primer d'ESO van realitzar uns tallers per part
            de l'Agència Catalana del Consum. El taller "Anem de compres" tractava dels diferents
            elements que intervenen en el moment de triar un producte de roba o tecnologia: el
            que m’agrada, el que necessito, la informació de l’etiqueta del producte, entre d’altres.
            De manera que l’acte de compra va esdevenir un fenomen en què hi van intervenir
            gran diversitat d’elements i en què les emocions van adquirir un paper rellevant. L'altre
            taller, "On tinc els meus diners", va situar l’alumnat davant de situacions de consum
            properes i quotidianes que van implicar la presa de decisions en la gestió dels diners.
            Amb aquest taller els joves van prendre consciència dels diners que gestionen tant
            directament com indirectament.
                                                                               Miss Margalef

                                                                  Biology Olympiad
                                                                  Congratulations Naomi Revusky and Laura Belmonte, who participated in the
                                                                  XVII Biology Olympiad last Saturday!!
                                                                                                                              Cristina Pérez

                                                                  Cup Finals - EIC/IFCPF
                                                                  The World Cup Finals of the IFCPF (International Federation for Cerebral Palsy Football) will take
                                                                  place in Salou in April / May, following the previous finals in Argentina. The best men's and women's
                                                                  national teams in the world will play for the World Cup and the EIC is working as a major partner in
                                                                  supporting the event with volunteers. This week we welcomed Ingrid Lafuente and Carles Teixidó
                                                                  from the hosting federation in Catalonia for a planning meeting with Secondary Coordinators,
                                                                  continuing a partnership which began at the 2016 European Pre-Paralympic Tournament. EIC
                                                                  students from ESO 4 and BAT/IB 1 will assist as volunteers with match organisation, logistical
                                                                  support, translation, press and media, and will be part of a real multinational event. This also gives
                                                                  our IB students the chance to complete CAS  hours and of course, Community is an important
                                                                  pillar of the school.

                                                                                                                                                     Mr Day
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