Page 4 - EIC Bulletin - Març 2021
P. 4

Informació pràctica


              Spanish                                       Correct English                               Wrong English (SPANGLISH!)

              Parquing                                      Car park                                      Parking

              Patio                                         Playground                                    Patio

              Desayuno                                      Breakfast (at home) or snack (at              Breakfast (at school)

              Quieres que te…                               Do you want me to...                          Do you want that I…

            Cambridge English Exams                        future routes (US…), and we can indicate the
            Through  the  EIC  curriculum,  our  students  official centres.

            work through the levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and  A “Standard”  EIC  student  will  be  ready  to  sit     EIC SHOP
            eventually C2 . This means that they are ready  following levels:                                            TIMES

            to  take  external  English  exams.  Our  official
            partner is Exams Baix Camp in Reus which is  •     Primary 4 - Flyers (A2)

            the nearest centre.                            •   Primary 6 - PET (B1)                            Tuesdays 16.30-18.30
            Students  have  very  varied  levels  of  English.  •   ESO 2 - First (For Schools) (B2)

            In  one  class  we  may  have  native  speakers  •   ESO 4 - Advanced (CAE- C1)                    Wednesdays 8.30-10.00
            educated  in  an  English  speaking  country  •    BAT/IB - Proficiency (C2)

            and  we  may  also  have  absolute  beginners.                                                     Thursdays 16.30-18.30
            Obviously  we  cater  for  that,  including  the  You  will  soon  receive  information  about  the

            Welcome Room, but In lessons, we do not focus  exams  taking  place  this  year.  Your  child’s    email:
            on specific exam preparation. That is provided  teacher will tell you which level is appropriate.

            in  Extra  Curricular  Activities  which  we  offer
            according to demand.

            Some families may also wish their children to
            take TESOL /IELTS exams, depending on their

                                  Preguntes freqüents

         Puc arribar a l'escola a les 8.30h?

         No, has d'estar llest per començar la jornada escolar amb el teu professor dintre de l'edifici a les 8.30h, a classe, fòrum

         o on sigui. La puntualitat és important com a competència bàsica i és una cortesia cap a la resta de companys. Als
         estudiants que arribin tard amb regularitat se'ls hi pot negar l'entrada a la primera lliçó, és perjudicial.

         Puc fer els exàmens de Cambridge?

         Sí, els examens de Cambridge es duen a terme amb els nostres socis Exams Baix Camp a Reus. Hi ha molts exàmens
         en línia i presencials i, per suposat, la situació està evolucionant. Poden veure les dates a https://examsbaixcamp.

         com/. Consulteu l'article en aquest Butlletí.

         Què fem si volem celebrar l'aniversari del/de la nostre/a fill/a?
         Poden encarregar un pastís (“coca”) a Recepció per compartir-lo amb la classe el dia de l'aniversari.
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