Page 2 - EIC Bulletin - Febrer 2021
P. 2


          CALENDARI ESCOLAR: Febrer 2021

          *Es duran a terme reunions de tutoria individual amb els tutors de la classe.

          *Les visites comencen en grups petits per a noves famílies.

          1 - Injeccions de Meningitis i Varicel·la, Primària 6
          3 - Reunió de codifcació per a pares de Primària 5 i 6, 15h

          3 - ESO 4 - Taller de finances
          4 - ESO 4 Xerrades legals - Roca Junyent

          8 - ESO 3 Xerrades legals - Roca Junyent
          8 - Xerrades obertes per a famílies - “Viure amb la COVID, el paper de l'escola i de la família"

          8 - 12 - Setmana de l'Any Nou xinès
          10 - ESO 4 - Taller de finances

          10 - Reunió de codificació per a pares de Primària 1/2/3/4, 15h
          12 - Carnaval (Primària i Preescolar) (tarda)

          15 (Dilluns) - Escola tancada (Dia festiu)
          16-19 - Fira d'Universitats (esdeveniments on-line)

          16 - ESO 1 Xerrada - Salut sexual
          17 y 18 - Test de competències bàsiques - ESO 4

          22 - EIC Online Forum, 17.30h “La Unió Europea”
          23 - Reunió de transició d'ESO 4 a BAT/IB, 17h

          3 - ESO 3 Xerrada, Gènere i feminisme

          3 - Reunió de pares de Primària 1 i 2, 3 i 4, 5 i 6, 16.45h

                                                 Vida a l'Escola

          EIC Online Forum:                                                         Bird boxes
          EIC Social & Cultural Programme 20-21                                     IB/BAT  CAS  students  are  building  bird
          As you know, we are running monthly talks and online sessions by Zoom     boxes  from  found  materials  to  install
          for all staff and families. The next one will be “The European Commission:   around  the  school.  These  old  drawers
          how does it work? What was the process for Spain to join in and The UK    from  a  cabinet  were  found  next  to  a
          to leave?”. The speaker of this talk will be Xavier Prats Monné (Tarragona,   recycling station in Salou and brought in
          1956). He is a FEIC patron and was a senior Spanish official at the European   to be upcycled into bird boxes.
          Commission for many years, where he served as Director General of the     In  this  project  students  are  learning
          Direcció General de Salut i Seguretat Alimentària (2015-2018) and also    learning  new  life  skills  like  how  to
          the Direcció General d'Educació i Cultura (2014–2015). He is currently an   use  construction  tools  safely  to  build
          advisor to many organizations, especially in education at Teach for All.  outdoor furnishing, etc.
          This talk will be on 22nd February at 5.30pm.

                                                                                    Model United Nations Conference
                                                                                    This year, 5 of our BAT/IB1 students will
                                                                                    take  part  in  the  Model  United  Nations
                                                                                    Conference which will be held virtually
                                                                                    from  the 19th  to  the  21st of February,
                                                                                    based in Istanbul. This year's theme will
                                                                                    be based on the region of East Asia, the
                                                                                    Pacific and their conflicts.
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